The Transition to Independence: A Rabbit Breeders Guide to Weaning

You've successfully bred your prize buck and doe, provided a warm, cozy nestbox and safely made it through kindling. Your babies have safely transitioned from the nestbox and are now hopping around the cage and nibbling on their momma's food. What's next? It's time to begin the process of weaning. Weaning Defined Around three to … Continue reading The Transition to Independence: A Rabbit Breeders Guide to Weaning

Wood Disk Dangler from Oxbow

The Wood Disk Dangler is made from untreated, rabbit-safe woods to provide entertainment when you're not home. Approximately six inches long, this dangle toy attaches easily to a cage with a wood hook, which is definitely a win when it comes to safety. This toy is the perfect size for all rabbit breeds. Durability rating: … Continue reading Wood Disk Dangler from Oxbow